Teacher Ciro Antonio Rosolem

Graduated in Agronomy in 1973, master in Agronomia (Soils and Plants Nutrition) in 1978 and doctor in Agronomie (Soles and Plantes Nutritions) in 1979, also by the School of Agricultural Luiz de Queiroz, University of São Paulo.

Visiting scientist at the University of California, Davis, 1984/85.

He was the founder, director and director-president of the Foundation for Agricultural and Forestry Studies and Research. He was Director of the Institute of Meteorological Research at UNESP. He was the coordinator of the area of agriculture of the Foundation of Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo from 1995 to 2007.

He is a professor at the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences at the Paulista Júlio State University of Mesquita Filho.

He was vice president of the Brazilian Society of Soil Science and is a member of the International Plant Nutrition Council. Vice-President of Communications of the Scientific Council of Sustainable Agro.

He has experience in the area of Agriculture, with emphasis on soil fertility, fertilization, applied physiology, root growth, agricultural production systems, crop rotation and cycling of nutrients, acting mainly in cotton, soybean, covering plants and breeding-breeding integration.