Teacher Evandro Vagner Tambarussi

Forestry engineer graduated from the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (FCA/Unesp), Master in Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants (Esalq/USP) and Doctor in Genetics and Plant Improvement (ESalq/ USP), having been guided by Prof. Roland Vencovsky. During his doctorate, he studied at the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Oxford, England. Postdoctoral in Genome-Wide Selection at the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, USA (de 2022 a 2023).
Currently, he is Associate Professor of the Department of Vegetable Production of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (FCA), Paulista State University (Unesp) in Botucatu. He has served in postgraduate courses at ESALQ/USP and FCA/Unesp, guiding in master's and doctoral courses. He is president of the Scientific Technical Council of the Institute of Forest Research and Studies (IPEF) and holds the CNPq Productivity Scholarship (1D). He is the editor of Frontiers in Genetics, Forests and Scientia Agricola.
His main research consists of the use of quantitative genetics, population and wide genomic selection for the selection of superior clones of Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Pinus. In addition, it assists and actively participates in improvement programmes (Agricultural and Forestry) of Brazilian and International Companies, especially with Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Pinus, giving emphasis to the selection of offspring and higher clones, advancement of generations of endogamy in Eucalyst, studying the errors in estimates of genetic gains, genetic delineations, improvement of species with mixed reproductive system, wide genomic selection, ex situ conservation, genotype interaction by environments, dynamic conservation and effective population size.